2011 Oct 23

Elizabeth Olsen; the next Jennifer Lawrence

IFC had an article on Elizabeth Olsen and how she’s the new ‘it girl’ and how Jennifer’s Winters Bone co-star John Hawkes got the same vibe from Olsen as he did from Jennifer.

“It’s fantastic,” he told IFC. “It’s vindicating as well, when you’re working with someone who’s a powerhouse, a young person who just out of the blue is a surprise. It’s been a real gift to be part of these young women’s journeys, and it’s really rewarding.”

When Hawkes was shooting “MMMM,” “Winter’s Bone” was yet to be released, but according to him, “I had this flashback feeling … the same joy and the same amazement in working with her. I was reminded of Jennifer.” (Hawkes, by the way, plays Elizabeth’s cult leader in the film).
